Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Adat In Time: Our Daily Activities

Here is a summary of the daily Adat Shalom Schedule (Sundays, Mondays, Wednesdays, and Thursdays) via pictures that we took. -Chocolatemilk, Eden, and Emily

                                                                      7:30 a.m Wake Up
Wakey wakey...
                                                                        8:00 a.m Breakfast

I'm starving, when's breakfast?
                                                                    8:40 a.m Shacharit
Aren't we supposed to be praying right now?

                                                                      9:20 a.m Nikayon
Nikayon, nikayon, we all love nikayon!
                                                                    10:00 a.m. Sports
An intense game of basketball on the Ramah courts.
                                                                       10:55 a.m. Chugim

We love Chug Blogging!

                                                                  11:50 a.m. Yahadut
You're right Emily, this rock does look like Theodore Herzl!
                                                                      12:50 p.m Lunch
We're both starving! SO ready for lunch.
                                                                  1:40 p.m. Menucha
Ahh, menucha.
                                                                    2:30 p.m. Swimming
How do we get in?
                                                                  3:30 p.m. Bunk Activity
Crazy times during tent activity.
                                                                      4:30 p.m. Tarbut
Beautiful art from Tarbut.
                                                                         5:30 Bonus
Bonus, perfect for showering.
   6:45 p.m. Dinner
Getting ready for dinner, I can't wait!
  7:45 p.m. Peulot Erev
You never know what activities are going to happen during peulot erev!

                                                                    10:00 p.m. Curfew
Nighty night, curfew time.

Maccabiah: Adat Shalom Style

Yarok (Green team) learning a new routine at their meeting place.

The yellow team has spirit... and yellow paint!

Blue team showing their true colors at opening ceremony.

A blue city is emerging.

Transformation from yellow to white.

Campers on the blue team getting ready to swim.

Micha, an Adom counselor, prepares to make a splash in the Ramah pool.

Amit jumping from the diving board to earn points for his team.

T'fillah Survey

For our t'fillah survey, three of us (Daniela, Rami, and Rachel) interviewed forty campers. We asked them what their usual routine is during t'fillah. We took a poll where the options were either talking, praying, not paying attention, or other*. -Rami L.

Our results were:
Talking- 25%
Praying- 35%
Not paying attention- 27.5%
Other- 12.5%

Most of these people are pretty bored. Here are some ideas to not be bored in t'fillah! -Daniela B.

What can you do to make campers less bored? Here are some hints from Rachel:
1. If you look at the back of our siddur, there are a bunch of poems about meaningful subjects. Look at those poems if you want inspiration.

2. Don't talk! As much as you're bored, it would be disrespectful to blab during services. If you can't resist the urge to talk, then play a game called "prayer talking." Here's how you play. Grab a friend and a siddur. Then, when you want to say something, flip through the siddur to different english passages, and point to different words to make sentences. Now you're prayer talking!

3. Make the best of services! You may think, "Prayer is boring!" or "Um, no!!" but in truth, the best way not to be bored is to have some ruach! Sing as loud as you can during the Aleinu, Modeh Ani, and of course, Hallelujah! -Rachel B.

*Other answers included sleeping, kicking a tree, and one girl who had a book behind her siddur.

Sleeping falls into the "other" category.
Sure she's paying attention... to her nails!

Rachel and Rami talking during t'fillah.

Now that's how you do it!